Pallad 0.5 - Open Beta

Pallad 0.5 - Open Beta

22 June 2024

It took a lot of effort to push forward and overcome the setbacks, but here we are. Pallad is officially in Open Beta, and that means you can download it from the Chrome Web Store and install it in your favorite browser (you’re not using Safari, are you?). Open beta means it only works on Mina Devnet and Zeko DevNet, you shouldn’t use your Auro/Clorio mainnet credentials (but they will work). We have managed to deliver a few major milestones in the last few months.

Web Connector

First of all, there’s a new Web Connector interface. It follows the Mina Core RFC-0008 specification. This means that when Auro finishes implementing it, all Mina browser extension wallets will follow the same specification, making it easier for developers.

UI overhaul

If you joined the party early, there’s a chance you’ve seen our initial UI with dark gray and blue colors. It’s officially a thing of the past and we’ve undergone a makeover. New Pallad’s UI has been designed by one of the best designers in the game, Mathieu.

Zeko Integration

We have been working on the integration with Zeko. The Zeko DevNet is now all available in Pallad, and you should be able to switch to Zeko and use it with our Web Connector interface.

Next steps

We will let users play with Pallad on Devnet, and when it is considered stable, and mainnet ready, Pallad will likely undergo a security audit to ensure the highest standards, quality and security of our product.

The crew

Pallad wouldn’t happen if not some specific people contributing to it, giving a helping hand. The people that helped to shape up Pallad on various time:

  • Teddy Pender
  • Tomek Marciniak
  • Rafał Goławski
  • Mathieu Henrijean
  • Talha Ünsal
  • Closed Beta Testers: Inthestrongwind, lamps